Once upon a time, there was a bank offering services to private persons. The services include managing of accounts, offering loans, etc. The bank wants to improv their services by finding interesting groups of clients (e.g. to differentiate between good and bad clients). The bank managers have only vague idea, who is good client (whom to offer some additional services) and who is bad client (whom to watch carefully to minimize the bank looses). Fortunately, the bank stores data about their clients, the accounts (transactions within several months), the loans already granted, the credit cards issued So the bank managers hope to find some answers (and questions as well) by analyzing this data.
The discovery challenge task is to
Each participant can use any KDD techniques and discover as much knowledge as possible. Ideally each approach will include 1. proposed goals, 2. details of datamining, and 3. demonstrated use of the results. Since the results of discovery may be unexpected, the applications may be different from those initially proposed.
The data about the clients and their accounts consist of following relations:
Each account has both static characteristics (e.g. date of creation, address of the branch) given in relation "account" and dynamic characteristics (e.g. payments debited or credited, balances) given in relations "permanent order" and "transaction". Relation "client" describes characteristics of persons who can manipulate with the accounts. One client can have more accounts, more clients can manipulate with single account; clients and accounts are related together in relation "disposition". Relations "loan" and "credit card" describe some services which the bank offers to its clients; more credit cards can be issued to an account, at most one loan can be granted for an account. Relation "demographic data" gives some publicly available information about the districts (e.g. the unemployment rate); additional information about the clients can be deduced from this.
item | meaning | remark |
account_id | identification of the account | |
district_id | location of the branch | |
date | date of creating of the account | in the form YYMMDD |
frequency | frequency of issuance of statements | "POPLATEK MESICNE" stands for monthly issuance "POPLATEK TYDNE" stands for weekly issuance "POPLATEK PO OBRATU" stands for issuance after transaction |
item | meaning | remark |
client_id | record identifier | |
birth number | identification of client | the number is in the form YYMMDD for men, the number is in the form YYMM+50DD for women, where YYMMDD is the date of birth |
district_id | address of the client |
item | meaning | remark |
disp_id | record identifier | |
client_id | identification of a client | |
account_id | identification of an account | |
type | type of disposition (owner/user) | only owner can issue permanent orders and ask for a loan |
item | meaning | remark |
order_id | record identifier | |
account_id | account, the order is issued for | |
bank_to | bank of the recipient | each bank has unique two-letter code |
account_to | account of the recipient | |
amount | debited amount | |
K_symbol | characterization of the payment | "POJISTNE" stands for insurrance payment "SIPO" stands for household "LEASING" stands for leasing "UVER" stands for loan payment |
item | meaning | remark |
trans_id | record identifier | |
account_id | account, the transation deals with | |
date | date of transaction | in the form YYMMDD |
type | +/- transaction | "PRIJEM" stands for credit"VYDAJ" stands for withdrawal |
operation | mode of transaction | "VYBER KARTOU" credit card withdrawal "VKLAD" credit in cash "PREVOD Z UCTU" collection from another bank "VYBER" withdrawal in cash "PREVOD NA UCET" remittance to another bank |
amount | amount of money | |
balance | balance after transaction | |
k_symbol | characterization of the transaction | "POJISTNE" stands for insurrance payment "SLUZBY" stands for payment for statement "UROK" stands for interest credited "SANKC. UROK" sanction interest if negative balance "SIPO" stands for household "DUCHOD" stands for old-age pension "UVER" stands for loan payment |
bank | bank of the partner | each bank has unique two-letter code |
account | account of the partner |
item | meaning | remark |
loan_id | record identifier | |
account_id | identification of the account | |
date | date when the loan was granted | in the form YYMMDD |
amount | amount of money | |
duration | duration of the loan | |
payments | monthly payments | |
status | status of paying off the loan | 'A' stands for contract finished, no problems, 'B' stands for contract finished, loan not payed, 'C' stands for running contract, OK so far, 'D' stands for running contract, client in debt |
item | meaning | remark |
card_id | record identifier | |
disp_id | disposition to an account | |
type | type of card | possible values are "junior", "classic", "gold" |
issued | issue date | in the form YYMMDD |
item | meaning | remark |
A1 = district_id | district code | |
A2 | district name | |
A3 | region | |
A4 | no. of inhabitants | |
A5 | no. of municipalities with inhabitants < 499 | |
A6 | no. of municipalities with inhabitants 500-1999 | |
A7 | no. of municipalities with inhabitants 2000-9999 | |
A8 | no. of municipalities with inhabitants >10000 | |
A9 | no. of cities | |
A10 | ratio of urban inhabitants | |
A11 | average salary | |
A12 | unemploymant rate '95 | |
A13 | unemploymant rate '96 | |
A14 | no. of enterpreneurs per 1000 inhabitants | |
A15 | no. of commited crimes '95 | |
A16 | no. of commited crimes '96 |